Numerical and experimental study on effective elastic properties of porous materials: controlled porosity numerically generated and 3D printed.
Othmane Zerhouni, Gabriella Tarantino  1, *@  , Kostas Danas  2, *@  
1 : Laboratoire de Mécanique des Solides  (LMS)  -  Site web
CNRS : UMR7649
2 : Laboratoire de Mécanique des Solides, Ecole Polytechnique  (LMS)
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - CNRS
Route de Saclay, 91128 Palaiseau -  France
* : Auteur correspondant

This work aims to introduce a methodology for the determination of the effective properties of random heterogeneous materials. Specifically, focus of this study are the effective properties of two phase porous material containing spherical voids which are investigated both experimentally and numerically. To this end, three-dimensional porous structures, with non-overlapping porosity, are first generated by means of a random sequential algorithm. Numerical simulations are conducted on a representative volume element, whose size is first determined. Specimens are fabricated by 3D-printing of the computer-generated microstructures and tested under uniaxial loading. Good agreement of Young modulus data is found, in the case of spherical monodisperse porosity.

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